Custody Support

Geneva Child Support Lawyer
Child Custody, Visitation, and Financial Support
Douglas B. Warlick is uniquely qualified to represent clients in Kane County as well as Kendall, Dekalb and DuPage Counties in child custody and child support issues, with over 30 years (since 1981) of legal experience and professional involvement with programs directly related to the children of divorce and the severed relationships in the unmarried population.
The The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates is located in Geneva, Illinois. We are a full-service family law firm with a dedication to serving the needs of children while protecting the rights and interests of the parents we represent.
Integrity and Qualifications
In addition to practicing law since 1981, Doug Warlick offers strong leadership in the area of family law dedicated to the concerns of children. For more than five years, Doug Warlick has taught classes for the KIDS Program, a divorce education class for parents in Kane County. He also serves as a guardian ad litem appointed to represent the interests of minor children in family law matters requiring court intervention. He is the recent past chair of the Children’s Advocacy Committee of the DuPage County Bar Association, and in 2005, he organized a joint GAL training program for both Kane County and DuPage County.
Child Custody
Clients hiring The Law Offices of Douglas B. Warlick & Associates can be confident they have hired an accomplished attorney who will put the needs of children at the forefront in child custody negotiations. In most cases, joint custody is the norm and a joint parenting agreement is prepared. This lengthy document contains specifics relating to rules and conduct while the child is with either parent, geographic limitations on residency and travel, and requires joint decisions on major issues in the child’s life. Sole custody is granted when the parents demonstrate an inability to work together. Even if primary custody is granted to one parent, the non-custodial parent is entitled to reasonable, unrestricted visitation, however, when one parent can demonstrate to the court serious endangerment to the child’s moral, emotional, physical, or mental well-being, then visitation can be restricted. Our firm can represent you in meeting the requirements of the court for limited, restricted or supervised visitation.
Mr. Warlick’s emphasis is negotiating workable custody and visitation arrangements that protect the child’s interests while providing a workable agreement for both parents.
If the parents cannot agree on terms of custody, mediation may be required before the matter can be litigated.
Child Support
Following changes to Illinois law that went into effect in July of 2017, child support payments paid by a non-custodial parent to a custodial parent will be determined based on both parents' incomes and each parent's amount of parenting time and parental responsibility. Our firm ensures that the court has accurate information about the both spouses' incomes and expenses. We also represent clients in court actions regarding enforcement of child support payments.
Maintenance/Alimony is very subjective and is granted at the discretion of the court based on a number of factors. The skill of your attorney is a major factor in whether you will be ordered to pay or receive spousal support or maintenance; also, please remember that maintenance may take one of many forms, including rehabilitative, permanent, reviewable, or lump sum maintenance and it may be modifiable or non-modifiable. Once it is waived, however, it is terminated forever.
Contact a Geneva child support lawyer who will handle your custody, visitation, and financial support issues with skill and a commitment to the best interests of the children. We offer a discounted initial consultation for pre-decree or post-decree cases.